Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Limited Edition Real Life Pikachu's for Sale?

Aww it's almost cute enough to crush...wait...who's holding that thing?

So this picture comes from what appears to be a Japanese Online Store where some guy is selling a "limited edition" 20 real live Pikachus for

wait for it


99,000,002,805,760 yen

Or Over $900 Million US

This offers the question:

First of all what kind of moron is this guy thinking he can become an instant millionaire for a spray painted mouse. if some millionaire out there thinks this thing is real and actually buys one of these things for his spoilt kid's 8th birthday party ... this month, he would be the laughing stock of the corporate world for years to come falling gullible to a photoshopped mouse.

Now it also begs the question is this guy just desperate for attention cause if he is ... I doubt he can go any further from here. cause lets be honest here, any scammer with half a brain would show his face in public so what could he possibly gain for this, if he's "Viral Marketing for something expect a lawsuit or two from Nintendo... unless it actually is Nintendo viral marketing.... GOD DAMN MY BRAIN HURTS

So end of the day, either we have a complete idiot here, or a Viral Marketing campaign that shot itself in the foot as soon as it stepped into the public eye

You can find the original Japanese posting here:

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